• Havryliuk O. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: accounting, efficiency, sustainable land use, management, information base


The article deals with the economic-organizational mechanisms of management of the efficiency of agricultural land use. Methods of improvement of information provision in the process of land use at the local level are offered. According to the strategy of economic development, agriculture is one of the priorities of the national economy. Land resources as the basis of agriculture are considered to be limited and non-renewable, therefore the key task is their rational use, which depends on the awareness of the subjects of management of the efficiency of their activities.

According to the strategy of economic development, agriculture is one of the priorities of the national economy. Land resources as the basis of agriculture are considered to be limited and non-renewable, therefore the key task is their rational use, which depends on the awareness of the subjects of management of the efficiency of their activities. Efficiency of agricultural land use is a factor that has a significant impact on the socio-economic state of the country as a whole, and its individual regions and enterprises.

The purpose of this scientific research is to identify the main problems of agriculture at the local level, which impede the dynamic development of production and the efficiency of agricultural land use and the search for ways to minimize their impact through the improvement of the information component of management of the agricultural enterprise.

The main task in this aspect is to increase the efficiency of agricultural land use, that is, to generate more profits with a minimum cost of land use processing. Land use efficiency in agriculture can be considered as a general government economic indicator, as well as at sectoral micro-level. If the effectiveness of land use is considered in the general economic plane, then all branches of the agrarian economy and the redistribution of land resources in it must be taken into account in such a way that they bring the maximum effect. If the issues are considered at the level of the individual enterprise, then the efficiency of the use of agricultural land will manifest itself in shaping the competence of the decision in the process of management and organizational activities.


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