Theoretical provisions are considered in the article and methodological and applied recommendations on organization of economic analysis of economic security of the enterprise and system of control over its level are developed.
The lack of a unified and complete opinion on the economic security of the enterprise necessitates the need to continue finding ways and ways to solve this problem. Considering the main priorities and eliminating the shortcomings and contradictions, in our opinion the economic security of the enterprise is a condition characterized by stability and balance, protection from the negative impact of the internal and external environment, neutralization of threats to the efficiency of use of available resources, elimination of obstacles in the implementation of life - important interests and ensuring sustainable development.
Continuous monitoring and assessment of the economic security of the enterprise should be the result of the interaction of all interested services of the enterprise. This requires appropriate methodological, organizational, information and technical support.
Enterprises can be established department (department, service, department) of economic security, whose activities are managed by its manager. On the other hand, there may be the creation of a working group of specialists. The organizational forms of economic security of an enterprise are determined by the composition of the apparatus and the technical level of security management. Improving the methods of analytical and power work to ensure the economic security of the enterprise requires the development of analytical functions of all services of enterprises.
Economic security issues are the responsibility of not only the employees of economic services, but also the technical departments (chief mechanic, energy, technologist, etc.). Economic services of the enterprise plan economic activity, carry out supply and sale of products, organize labor, financial work, accounting and control of economic activity.
Internal analysis of economic security of enterprises is carried out by employees of enterprises, and external - marketing and economic intelligence services of the enterprise. The analytical department (accounting department) should carry out both external and internal analysis of its economic security in the complex.
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