The article deals with the economic prerequisites for allocating social capital as an object of accounting, management and financial accounting. The problems of determining the essence of social capital from the standpoint of accounting theory, standards and principles of financial reporting, management theory have been identified.
The purpose of the article is to study the accounting of social capital. It is proposed to improve the methodology of accounting for social capital.
The relationship of social, human, intellectual and transactional capital has been proved. The essence and reflection in accounting of various components of capital are described. Human capital is the skills and experience of employees of the enterprise. Human capital as an asset is the methodologies, patents, certificates of employees. Intellectual capital is the knowledge of employees, innovative technologies, brands and the reputation of the company. Transaction capital is access to information, sources and resources in the market, asymmetric benefits. Social capital is the norm of relationships in social groups and enterprises. It is also corporate norms, traditions, corporate culture, corporate culture brand, trust, loyalty to partners.
The reflection of social capital in accounting is the subject of much discussion by economists. Scientists have different theories regarding the structure, valuation and accounting of social capital.
The tasks of improving the methodology of accounting for social capital: 1) identification of existing social capital at a specific reporting date; 2) estimation and accounting of the growth of social capital under the influence of external factors favorable for a given economic entity; 3) analytical accounting of investments in social capital and development of indicators of their return; 4) methodology for analyzing the effectiveness of investments in social capital.
Methodological approaches to solving the identified problems at the micro level accounting for social capital are proposed.
Accounting socialization is the driving force behind the development of accounting methodology with new features and tools such as accounting engineering and qualimetry. Accounting engineering will allow the use of interdisciplinary research for the purpose of improving accounting methodology, to apply the principles of constructivism, priority of functional purpose and orientation to ecoludinocentrism. Qualimetry will make it impossible to translate social phenomena and processes into the assessment plane at first glance. For measuring and evaluating social capital, qualimetry is like basic science. Qualimetry offers a universal toolkit for social governance based on the quantitative measurement of qualitative phenomena that have not previously been quantified.
In the context of sustainable development, social responsibility of business is a priority slogan. The level of social responsibility is an indicator of business image and its competitive advantage. Information on indicators of social activity, the value of social capital, investments in social capital should be presented in social reports.
The perspective directions of researches on development of methodology of accounting of social capital are outlined. We see the prospect of further scientific research in terms of improving the methodology of accounting for the components of capital, in particular social. Therefore, the management report needs to develop a mechanism for presenting such information in an accessible manner to interested and knowledgeable users.
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