The article analyzes the current state of development of the retail trade industry in Ukraine. The main indicators and financial results of the development of retail trade, volumes of sales of goods through the Internet, commodity turnover of imports of goods and manufactured in Ukraine are given.
Retail is the main link in the organization of domestic trade in consumer goods and the most important economic activity in the field of commodity circulation. The level of retail development reflects the state of the relationship between production and consumption, and ultimately is a characteristic of the standard of living of the population. Retailing completes the economic chain by translating consumer goods from circulation into consumption and is of major socio-economic importance; it sells goods to the public for personal consumption. Retail activity is conditioned both by macroeconomic transformations in Ukraine and by the peculiarities of its activity by economic entities, the results of which affect the standard of living of every citizen. High competitiveness, economic situation, supply-demand ratio for goods and services are forcing retailers to adapt their resources to new prices and changes in turnover. Therefore, an analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of the retail industry is important in today’s context. Improving the quality of customer service and improving the organization of sales of goods is the main task of trade entities in a competitive environment to attract a contingent of customers and thus their cash income.
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4. Офіційний сайт Державної служби статистики України URL: (дата звернення: 3.11.2019).