The article considers profit as one of the most important criteria for evaluating the performance of an entity. Also, the article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical problems of the modeling process and the disclosure of key concepts of this process. One of the main types of models was considered. The stages of the process of econometric modeling and forecasting of financial results of the enterprise activity are presented.
It is revealed that profit, for each business entity, is the central financial category, which reflects the positive financial result of the enterprise's business activity, characterizes the efficiency of utilization of available resources at the enterprise.
The profit of the enterprise is an important category which strengthens the financial condition of the enterprise and at the same time is the primary source of formation of economic stability in a competitive environment. During the research, econometric modeling and forecasting of financial results of the enterprise were carried out, namely: the relationship between net profit and net income from the sale of products (goods, works, services) of the enterprise by econometric analysis methods was investigated. This model is based on real statistics of the activity of the auto repair company, which is a component of the motor transport industry.
The conducted research makes it possible to conclude that due to economic-mathematical methods and models of formation of financial result, the company can investigate the relationship between economic indicators and their influence on them, in order to make a sound management decision.
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