• Zabedyuk M. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: current assets, current assets management, capital structure, enterprise


The article covers the essence and main tasks of managing current assets of the enterprise. In today’s business environment, the activity of enterprises is closely linked to the formation and use of current assets, which has a special place in the capital structure of the enterprise. At the same time, the continuity of the production and sale of products, liquidity of the enterprise, its solvency and profitability depend on the quality of management of current assets. Current assets management is about finding effective forms of its financing, optimizing its volume, improving its structure and increasing its efficiency.

Current assets management is aimed at solving such tasks as ensuring the necessary amount of current assets in order to maintain current solvency, optimization of current assets structure to ensure liquidity ratios, search for sources of current assets financing, taking into account the conditions for ensuring the financial stability of the entity.

It should be noted that current assets management is based on such principles, as interconnectedness, timeliness, coordination, continuity, optimality and rationality. The application of all these principles in combination will ensure the effective formation and implementation of the policy of current assets management of the enterprise.

The main functions of current assets management are analytical, which is to ensure the constant analysis of current assets and its elements; stabilizing, which is to take measures to ensure a sufficient level of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise; control, which consists in the formation of a system of integrated control over the volume of current assets and the state of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise.

The factors that cause a negative impact on the formation and use of the current assets of the enterprise are defined.


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