The process of determining financial results as an integral part of the flow of accounting and management information, without involving all the economic cycles of the enterprise is impossible, is important to distinguish and regulate the flows of information about all accounting objects.
The proposed scheme of organization of accounting of financial results provides strengthening of control over activity of structural divisions of forestry enterprises.
The process of exchanging information between different users is quite complicated. Therefore, the important issue of providing the company management with complete, truthful and impartial information for making management decisions is to create a model of accounting and analytical support for the formation of financial results of the forestry enterprise.
Business management requires systematic information on operating, financial and investment activities and the associated costs, revenues and results. That is why there is a need to revise the methodology and organization of the formation of financial results of economic entities.
After analyzing the research and proposals of scientists, we propose to use analytical subaccounts in the account 79 «Financial results».
Clearly differentiating results by type of activity is of fundamental importance for assessing the financial and economic activity of the enterprise, is strategic development, which proves the feasibility and importance of the distribution of income, expenses and financial results in terms of operating, financial, investment activities and emergency events. Such information will be useful to the management of the enterprise for evaluating the effectiveness of financial and economic activities, as well as for making sound management decisions.
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