• Brodska I., Tkachuk I. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: credit unions, solvency of borrowers, material credit well-being, mortgage


In the article importance of reliable estimation of solvency of borrower of credit union is considered on efficiency of activity of establishment. Investigational most acceptable exactly to the credit unions types of providing of obligations. The most applied providing of obligations are a guarantee and mortgage. However a mortgage is more acceptable to the credit unions of the first level of adjusting.

It is well-proven that bail is the most acceptable type of providing exactly for credit unions. Debtors bear the responsibility in obedience to the conditions of the agreement of bail. A mortgage is used by credit unions far fewer, as a notarial certification of agreement of mortgage is needed. Also an object of mortgage often is in common property of borrower and other persons, that creates additional problems at the return of credit. It is well-proven, increase of cost of credit that is provided by a mortgage. At a grant to the credit decision influence has a size of profits gets that.

Classification over of indexes of estimation of the financial state of borrowers of creditunions is brought. Indexes that characterize the real sizes of the got profits belong to the quantitative indexes. Indexes that does not depend on the concrete actions of borrower belong to the quality indexes, and already is formed as result of his past actions or events. The indexes of business reputation of borrower  belong to the quality indexes, marital status, and also presence of the personal and immobile chattels for a borrower, credit histories in other financial. The article classification of documents is driven for the estimation of solvency of borrowers of credit unions.

Such classification signs of documents, that is examined at a decision- making in relation to a grant to the credit to the concrete borrower, are given: docu-ments that  confirm the got profits; documents that confirm profits from corporate laws; documents, that confirm the right of ownership on the personal chattels, tran-sport vehicles; documents that confirm enterprise profits.

Consequences are reasonable for financial institutions in case of delivery of credit to the borrowers with subzero solvency.


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