• Babich I., Pataridze-Vyshinska M. Lutsk National Technical University, NSC "Institute of Agricultural Economics"
Keywords: agricultural enterprises, financial security, financial stability, internal and external threats


One of the important factors of state independence in the context of European integration is the state of financial security of economic entities, especially in the strategic sector of the economy - agriculture. Due to the volatility of the market environment, there is a need for comprehensive preventive assessment of external and internal factors that directly or indirectly affect the agricultural business.

The crisis situation in which most agricultural enterprises are located today poses a certain financial risk to both the socio-economic stability of the regions and the potential of each enterprise. The current state of the industry does not allow to ensure financial security of agricultural enterprises and food security of the country. Consequently, the competitiveness of such enterprises in the European market will be low.

Ukraine's integration into the EU is quite a difficult issue, as it has been going on for quite a long time, although it is clear that this process cannot proceed quickly.

There has been debate in Ukraine for more than one year about its integration choices, ie the choice of integration model: European or Eurasian. The Revolution of Dignity, the annexation of Crimea, and hostilities in eastern Ukraine have finally eliminated the polarity of the West-East movement and, finally, identified Ukrainian integration priorities for the European path of development.

We believe that the main threats to the financial security of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the context of European integration are the following: 1) Staffing; 2) Food pressure from Western partners; 3) Problems with obtaining a loan due to lack of own resources; 4) Low technological level; 5) Difficult political and economic situation; 6) Lack of state funding.

Agricultural enterprises have problems accessing long-term credit resources because they lack collateral sufficient to secure a refund. The article discusses the conditions under which the risk factors and the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the European market can be mitigated.


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