• Shubalyi О., Andrusyk I. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: social protection, population incomes, social assistance, average wage, pension, region


The level of social protection of the population depends to a large extent on the level of development of the region concerned. Therefore, there is a need for additional research on the peculiarities of the formation of social protection standards at the regional level.

The purpose of the study is to study the trends of changing indicators and justification of proposals for improving social protection of the population in a separate region – Volyn region.

On the basis of the study of the dynamics of total expenditures on social protection in the Volyn region, a steady increase of 58% over the past three years has been revealed. This indicator characterizes the degree of implementation of social functions by public authorities. According to the analysis of the population, it is evident that in the last three years it has decreased by 4023 persons. This suggests inefficiency of social protection of the population. From the study of the level of the employed population, it is clear that it has decreased by 7.85%, which suggests a deterioration of the situation. The main socially unprotected group of the population in the context of lowering real incomes were pensioners. After all, the average amount of pensions barely exceeds the subsistence level. A more detailed analysis of the pension provision in Ukraine shows a reduction in the real size of the pension, as well as a reduction in its share in percentage wages. In recent years, the state has been actively pursuing a policy of reducing the number of pensioners by increasing the retirement age, limiting the maximum amount of pensions and other measures that increase social tension in society.

There was a nominal increase in the living standards of pensioners. In turn, the subsistence minimum is still much lower, but it is beneficial for the state, since levels of various social expenditures are tied to this indicator. The assessment of the effectiveness of social protection of the population has shown that there are many problems that impede the normal functioning of this system. The biggest problem that exists at present is the discrepancy of social standards with the real situation, because under these circumstances, our country’s inhabitants can not fully satisfy their needs and increase the flows of labor migration to the developed countries.

The solution to most of these is associated with the need for accelerated growth of the national economy, as well as the complete elimination of its shadow component, which by many estimates is about 50%. That is, the de-nationalization of the national economy can become a powerful impetus for the growth of incomes and budgets of all levels of at least 25%. Another important impetus of economic growth and raising the standard of living of the population and basic indicators of social protection should be the involvement in the legal money circulation of the population, which are stored by the banks, but can become a powerful tool for the growth of domestic investment, which is appropriate to direct the creation and development of production with a new added cost. This will again increase the level of employment and income of the population, as well as create a multiplier effect for the growth of social standards of living.


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