The article presents the research of theoretical and practical bases of inventory preparation and registration as an integral instrument of control. After all, it is the inventory that makes it possible to monitor the implementation of the rules and conditions of storage and use of property of the enterprise
It is the inventory as an element of the accounting method that allows you to determine the actual amount of assets, capital and liabilities, and compare the results with the accounting data. And timeliness of its guarantee of confidence in the reliability of the data of accounting and financial reporting.
Inventory is the most important control procedure used by both enterprises and supervisory authorities in exercising supervisory functions. The inventory allows you to identify excesses or shortages of property, establish the actual status of objects, assess the reality of the debt reflected in the account, identify the possibility of reducing costs, adjust accounting and, most importantly, minimize tax risks.
Inventory at the enterprise performs a controlling function and allows to identify cases of unjustified reduction of capital invested in different types of assets. Accordingly, the company should not ignore the annual inventory, because only with its help you can determine the real state of the enterprise, prevent theft and reduce losses.
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