• Kondius I. Lutsk National Technical University
Keywords: commercial bank, corporate governance


In today’s economic conditions, banks operate in a market characterized by the presence of significant competition, and the benefits in competition will take and an organization in which the management system can effectively cope with all the difficulties encountered in the processes of interaction, communication and management, and this is done by developing and implementing a reflexive function in management.

The purpose of the study is to create the proper foundation and integrated multidisciplinary information support to determine the effectiveness of corporate governance and their comparative characteristics.

The object of research is the system of effective management of commercial banks, and the subject - the effectiveness of corporate governance of the bank.

The achievement of this goal involves the following tasks of analytical work.

Analysis and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize the level of functioning of commercial banks in terms of the effectiveness of its corporate governance in time and territorial sections.

Identify trends in the functioning of the bank and assess their approximation for the future in order to assess the chosen direction of strategic development of the enterprise.

Identify and evaluate the available resources for sustainable growth of the financial component of the bank in the future.

To study the main advantages, disadvantages and problems, imbalances in the functioning of the corporate governance system.

Definition of a generalization indicator, which will reflect the level of corporate governance efficiency.

Performing a comparative assessment of banks by individual indicators and an integrated level of efficiency of the operation of a financial enterprise.

Conducting grouping of banks by the level of efficiency of functioning.

Formation of objective and substantiated conclusions about the effectiveness of corporate governance of banks.

The result of the research is to provide an integrated approach to assessing the efficiency of the bank’s operations and corporate governance, which enables a comprehensive and meaningful analysis of the functioning of the banking system and to investigate the achieved level of corporate governance efficiency, identify the bank’s development trends, identify and assess the available resource potential of economic growth in the future, to investigate the main advantages, disadvantages and problems, disproportions in the functioning of the banking system and The assessment groups of indicators are considered in the name of the dependent relationship, which ensures the integrity of the envelope of the analyzing environment.

Thus, the proposed methodology for investigating the efficiency of a bank’s activity will reveal further perspectives of its stable development, determine the quality of reliability, structure of the balance sheet and assets of the bank, establish the level of bank’s efficiency, use of resources both financial and personnel. Determining this indicator will reveal "weaknesses" in the functioning of the banking system, which will become one of the indicators in constructing forecasts of its perspective development.


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